Friday, July 27, 2012

Idaho Shakespeare Festival

DAY 19: I'm going back and picking up on an earlier post when we were in Boise ID. Tuesday, July 24th was the day we did an informal workshop with the Boise Hospice Singers and that evening we went to the Idaho Shakespeare Festival Theater, not for Shakespeare but for Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid. As I mentioned earlier, it was an unusual, "over the top" interpretation and performance, but memorable. When I later went online and read about the original play, I realized that this production held closely to Moliere's characters and plot, but it must have taken great liberties with the script. As the publicity phrased it when describing what ages would be appropriate for this production, it was said it was for any age that liked "potty humor, yucky medical procedures and sexual innuendo." It was fun in a bizarre sort of way. Anyway, here are some pictures from that evening:

Ellen, Susan Gelletley and Larry at a picnic before the play.
Idaho Shakespeare Festival Theater

The set for Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid 

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