Thursday, November 9, 2023

Falling Behind!

I'm really getting behind here! My last post was about a concert on Friday, October 27th, and here it is November 9th! That's almost two weeks. The problem now is remembering! I know that Sat., the 28th, a young man, David Scott, came to help with chores, and he was going to powerwash the deck. I rented a powerwash machine from Rentals Plus, but when we hooked it up to the hose and started the motor, it did not deliver a pressurized stream of water. We checked various things but nothing helped. So we gave up on that. He did hammer some upper windows tight and cleaned a pile of creosote out of the flue so we could start up the woodstove, and cut up some wood for kindling. So we got something done! I guess the big things have been Bible Study on Oct. 29th and Nov. 2nd, Dummerston Choir rehearsal on Nov. 3rd and performing Bruckner's Locus Iste on Nov. 5th - a beautiful but demanding piece which the choir did pretty well - with help from Mary Westbrook. I am finding it increasingly difficult to lead the choir physically. I took John to an acupuncture appointment in Greenfield on Wed., Nov. 1st., his first time with this person. I got two vaccinations on Friday the 3rd, one for regular flu, one for COVID, with mild after-effects, and I had a final session with Angelina on Monday the 6th before she heads back to Sante Fe. Monday evening I listened to my first Tarheels men's basketball game of the season on the Tune-In radio app on my iPhone. They easily defeated Radford University, not exactly a BB powerhouse. They have some games with big teams, including Connecticut, last years national champs, coming up soon (Dec. 5th). Without a doubt, what I have given more time to than anything else is Bible study preparations: reading about parables and dealing with logisics, both very time-consuming. I record the sessions, and uploading those recordings and sending out links to them is sort of a technology nightmare. But the actual Bible study is enjoyable. The next topic - "The Parable of the Feast" (Matthew 22:1-14 and Luke 14:16-24) just happens to very much relate to my doctoral dissertation where I did a detailed analysis of Luke's interpretation of the theme of the "Messianic Banquet" in Isaiah. I think I showed pretty convincingly that Luke's version of the parable is very much influenced by that Isaianic theme. So that got me back into my dissertation - submitted 57 years ago! Reading it is like reading something written by a stranger! Well, almost. In the midst of all this I did find time to fix myself a grand breakfast - eggs-over-easy, link sausage, English muffins, and a piece of cherry pie, courtesy of Ellen. Yum!

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