Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sudden disaster

They say your life can change in an instant. Mine did last evening. I hit a deer with the car. There was a deer crossing the road in front of me, and when I swerved to avoid that deer, a second one darted right in front of the car. There was no way to avoid hitting it. There was nothing I could do. The car was drivable. It felt risky to go back and investigate. I felt terrible, but I just drove home - about six miles - and called 911. The car is badly damaged - hood, bumper, fender, headlamp. We can't open the driver's door- it catches on the edge of the fender. You can get in from the outside using a screwdriver to pry up the fender. But from the inside, you have to crawl over into the passenger seat and use that door. Doable, but not easy. It may be totaled - i.e., the cost of repair may exceed it's book value. I've done all the paperwork today. Now we just wait for the adjustor. My euphoria over the weekend has crashed to the ground, at least temporarily. I'm basically an optimistic person. I guess in circus terms, which is what Shirley used in her ordination paper, based on Kierkegaard's "Knight of Faith," I fell off the wire, but the net caught me. Now I need to climb back up on the wire!
World Trade Center tightrope walker - I don't think he had a net!

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