Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A visit with the doctor

This morning I had an appointment with Dr. Gilbert Green, my neurologist. His office is in the Gannett Building at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. (I knew Bob Gannett). I see him every six months. He is monitoring the Parkinson's disease. There was not a lot of change to report, which I guess is good, but we did discuss my shortness of breath and I was able to call his attention to the report of the radiologist on my CT Scan which finally had come into my file. Once again, there was no urgent issue there, but there are things to discuss with my PCP, Dr. van Dyke. The main thing to come out of today is that I should resume the swallowing exercises I got from the speech therapist a year and a half ago or so. I had let them slip. Swallowing is important.
Dr. Gilbert Green
Senator Robert Gannett. Bob was a State Senator for 20 years. He also was very active in community affairs and had a lot to do with the establishment of the Long Trail. I knew him mainly as the head of a local foundation that I turned to both when I was raising money for Brattleboro Area Hospice back when I was on their Board of Trustees, and also when the Guilford Church was raising money to pay for the moving and enlarging of the church building back in the 1990's. As someone said, he was "the consummate gentleman."
The Gannett Medical Office Building. After that appointment, we got some bagels and came down to Richmond Auto in Guilford for a State inspection of the impreza. That all went well and now we are at the Guilford Church waiting for Bible Study.

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