Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Catch-up time

The days slip by quickly! We got home from Katie and Savanna's pretty late Saturday evening and the house was COLD. It took a while before we got the bedroom - and the bed itself! - warm enough to be in. But eventually it was fine. Sunday morning the Guilford service was a "day off" for Pastor Elisa - the service was led by students at Andover-Newton Theological Seminary at Yale University. We have had one of their services once before, and it was generally liked. The sermon this time was a fairly thoughtful reflection on how things will be different in the churches when we finally emerge from the pandemic. We went to the Davis' for supper Sunday night and watched a movie together - Belfast - and wow! it was quite a movie. Beautifully photographed, it was a kind of memoir of life in Ireland during the "Troubles" and especially what it was like for a young boy living in a mixed Protestant/Catholic neighborhood. The actor who played the young boy was amazing. It was a powerful film. I think Andy was streaming it from Amazon Prime. Before the film we had a supper that Ellen brought - finnin haddie chowder and cole slaw with corn bread - yummy - and with apple pie and cheese for dessert.
Pie, cheese and tea - what a treat!***************************** Yesterday I worked again on tbe Merry Lyin liner notes. To make a booklet that can be folded and stapled in the crease, you have to re-order the pages. Basically, you set up the sheet of paper horizontally with two columns, and put two pages on a side; the first sheet has pages 24 and 1 on one side, and 2 and 23 on the other side, and so on. It takes a while to set it up that way, and you need to mind your "p's and q's" so to speak. But I got it done. So I'm ready to print. The other thing I've been doing is reading Nietzsche aloud. He's a brilliant writer, but I don't buy the argument and I have a lot of questions. The class is tomorrow night. Today I took Jerome shopping and took care of some business at the bank. Right now it is raining hard - it wiped out our TV reception this evening. So we watched the news on the phone - which is not affected by weather - and then watched a movie - an older movie called Philadelphia starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington in their younger years. It was about a lawyer with AIDS. It was good - but it was noticably dated in its attitudes! A lot has happened in the past thirty years since that movie was made!

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