Friday, February 19, 2016

Wind, wind, wind!

The past three days, the wind has blown here unsparingly. Day and night. Gusts, we are told, up to 75 mph. It has been quite amazing, really. It is very noisy, the house shakes and rattles, the glass in the windows moves, branches of trees jostle violently. I just went for a little walk and got blown all over the road. We don't have steady wind like this in Vermont. I think it's supposed to calm down later today.

Meanwhile, life goes on in a routine. Betsey has breakfast around 9a.m. or so, but stays in bed until afternoon. It is more comfortable with her shingles that way. Yesterday, she didn't come downstairs until 5p.m.  We had supper and then watched the Democratic Town Hall from Las Vegas, NV on MSNBC. It was very interesting. Both Hillary and Bernie gave direct, substantive answers to questions from the floor. They are in good command of the facts and don't bash each other, although they do point out differences. It is so civil, compared to the Republicans calling each other liers!

Ellen has pretty much stayed here at the house during the day, since Katie left on Tuesday, so she can be available if Betsey needs her. I have gone out to the store each day to shop for food for dinner, which Ellen has then prepared. This morning, Ellen got to take a short walk while she knew Betsey was asleep.

It is very mild here. Yesterday, it was 73 degrees when I went to the store in Boulder.  Among other things, I picked up a bag of Taste of the Wild dogfood for Gertie, at the Whole Pet store. Next to Whole Foods. The pet store is quite the place. I have never seen so much "high end" pet food. I think pets in Boulder must be a lucky lot. A couple of nights ago, we watched the Westminster Dog Show on TV. What an amazing group of dogs! Some of them probably get Taste of the Wild with Salmon to eat, which is what Gertie is getting. Gertie had no interest in the dog show. But she is a very sweet dog. I think she misses Katie, but she is getting a lot of loving. She spends the night on the bed with Betsey.

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