Saturday, April 23, 2022

Getting things done

Activity is definitely picking up as we move into warmer weather! I mentioned in my previous blog post that we went to Katie and Savanna's to keep Savanna company while Katie and Brendon went to New York City. We actually stayed late to watch the Celtics play the Nets - Savanna is sort of a Celtics fan - and we ended up being there when Katie and Brendon got home - close to 11:3op.m.! We didn't stay to hear a full report on their trip, but they had a good time. Brendon said he was tired and I guess Katie was too, but they were in good spirits. We slept pretty late the next morning but I did go into town to see if I could help Jerome. He wasn't at home at 11a.m., so I did some other things. I went to Richmond's Garage and had them install the part that fixed the loose bumper more permanently, and while they were at it, they fixed a rattle that had developed on our trip to Massachusetts - it was a broken exhaust pipe bracket; plus a loose heat shield. That took care of the rattle. I filled the gas tank ($55!!) and went down to Dr. Van Dyke's office to make an appointment to have my lungs checked out. I am experiencing some shortness of breath. She was there herself, and I have an appointment Monday. I went back and found Jerome at home, but not feeling well enough to shop. So I got some things for him. Today (Saturday), I worked on my service for tomorrow in Dummerston, but also found time to go to Shirley's grave and clean out old dead leaves. The jonquils are blooming beautifully - there are close to two dozen that came up this year. I looked for a ready-made pot of flowers to put on Betsey's grave but found nothing I liked at Walker's or Hannaford's. So I got two six-packs of pansies, and I'll plant them in a pot and take the pot over tomrorrow (hopefully).
Shirley's grave today after some cleaning out of old leaves
Our car on the lift at Richmond's Garage************************************** P.S. I just realized that today would have been the birthday of Shirley's mother, Florence Harris: she was born April 23, 1898. She would be 124 years old, if alive today!
Florence Langley Harris (at left) at age 16, with her twin sister, Grace, whose birthday is also today!

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