Friday, November 13, 2020

Where did THAT week go?

Gosh, it's been a week since my last post! I can't think of a good  explanation for that. It is partly because we had Brendon as a house guest Tuesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon, and I think that altered the rhythm of things. Brendon just wanted a change of venue - he has been stuck at home for weeks. I don't think of us as being very exciting, but he seemed to have a good time. He and Ellen made lanterns on Wednesday. Ellen got the idea from Robin when we went to the Davis' for supper around their fire pit. They are made by blowing up a balloon, then covering the balloon with strips of waxed paper, Elmer's glue and fall leaves, letting that get good and dry, so that it forms a hard shell, then popping the balloon and pulling it out from inside the shell. Here we are at the fire pit but there are no balloon lanterns in this photo. I'll get one later.

At the Davis'

                      Lanterns at the Davis’

The other things we did with Brendon were: (1)drive to Grandma Millers'  bakery to get Morning Glory Muffins and  (2)watch episodes of Northern Exposure that Brendon brought with him.  I had seen at least one episode years ago, but hardly knew it - it's fun. Also, Bonnie Hull "Marco Polo-ed" us while Brendon was with us - and I responded with a video of what we were doing that included this shot of Brendon:



Otherwise, let's see. We went to the Feinlands last Saturday and had an early outdoor Thanksgiving because it looks like family gatherings for the real Thanksgiving are going to be against Vermont's COVID-19 protocols. We lucked out with a beautiful, warm, sunny day! Both Ellen and Julie contributed to a meal set out on the porch buffet-style.  Brother Jim Tolles in Maine sent a "scratch  track" for recording the Somerset Wassail song for a Zoom family Christmas event and the Feinland family recording themselves singing along with it, and I took a photo of them doing that:

The Feinland family (Max is in Boulder)

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