Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A work in progress

So, it is that time of year again. A year ago I wondered if we would even be here this time of year in 2018, but here we are. And it looks like will be here much of the winter. Except of course for our trip to Wyoming which we always take in January and February. So, we have to get our wood supply in. We had about a cord and a half to 2 cords of dry wood left over from last year, so now we've moved all that dry wood into position just outside the front door where it will be easily accessible in the months immediately ahead. Then behind that we will stack in the wood we just purchased this fall which is all green. Then at the other side of the deck we will stack a row or so of the green wood that was dumped  there to keep the snow from coming in under the deck. We're approximately halfway through the job.

Dry wood mostly stacked - a bit under the tarp still to do. 

       The second pile of green wood

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