Saturday, November 18, 2017

Mood swings

Given all the things we are going through right now, my emotions are all over the place. Chronic uncertainty about where we are going to live once we leave here (if we ever do!), and frustration with particular options, e. g., Putney Commons, can lead to discouragement and even moments of despair. But in the midst of that, I can have a period of delight, e. g., Wednesday, which was Ellen's birthday, she was away for the day, and I had the chance to create a birthday card for her based on our favorite puzzle, Spelling Bee, an idea that had come to me in the night. I had great fun doing that.

    Oops, this is upside down ... O well... You get the idea. Solving the puzzle provided the text of the card. 

We are coming into a really full time around Thanksgiving!

Meanwhile I'm disposing of library books and LP records. I got $25 for a stack of LPs yesterday at a local used LP store. And I've photographed and catalogued 225 books in the process of sorting them and disposing of them: E.g. -

         This is probably a keeper. 

Several boxes of one thing or another have gone out the door this week. Yay!

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